Practical Algorithms for Image Analysis
Practical Algorithms for Image Analysis.iso
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* xcc.h
* Practical Algorithms for Image Analysis
* Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999 MLMSoftwareGroup, LLC
* structure defs for xcc.c and related modules; required list structures
* are defined in lldef.h
#ifndef _XCC_H_
#define _XCC_H_
#include "ip.h"
#define SIGN(a) ( ((a) == 0.0) ? 0 : ( ((a) < 0.0) ? -1 : 1 ) )
#define F_TO_INT(a) ( ((a)-(int)(a)>0.5) ? ((int)(a)+1) : ((int)(a)) )
#define MIN(a, b) ( ((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b) )
#define SQR(a) ( (a)*(a) )
#define MAX_REC_SIZE 1200 /* max number of disks */
typedef struct edge_tuple { /* runs of ON-pixels on given scan row */
short cl, cr; /* pair of y-coord, delimiting run */
Boolean status; /* Matched; UnMatched */
} Edge_Tpl;
typedef struct triple { /* 3-tuple: disk chords */
short r;
short cl, cr;
} Trpl;
struct disk {
Trpl *chords; /* array of (disk) chords, of form (r, cl, cr) */
int nch; /* numb of chords (upper bnd set by 2*R/DELTA_i) */
Sp ctr; /* center position */
int rad; /* actual radius, based on sample of edge points */
Boolean Status; /* Active (Incomplete), InActive (Complete) */
Boolean Type; /* Accept, Reject */
/* function prototypes */
/* xcc.c */
extern void displ_disk_contours (struct linklist *list, Image * imgIO, int value);
extern void init_dll (struct linklist *disk_list);
extern void init_etll (struct linklist *edge_tuple_list);
extern int rm_llistlink (struct linklist *list);
extern void tshow_disk_list (struct linklist *list);
extern void show_disk_list (struct linklist *list);
extern float update_disk_dia (struct linklist *list);
extern void gprintf (FILE * fpOut, char *fmt,...);
extern void exitmess (char *prompt, int status);
extern void fail_alloc (char *str, int status);
extern void usage (char *progname);
extern void main (int argc, char **argv);
/* circ_geom.c */
extern double slopev (struct spoint pt1, struct spoint pt2);
extern struct spoint eval_centroid (int *x, int *y, int n);
extern struct spoint eval_ctr (struct spoint *v, int n);
extern int eval_rad (struct disk *cdsk);
extern int eval_circ (struct disk *cdsk);
/* cc.c */
extern int init_disk (struct disk *ndsk, int nch);
extern int close_disk (struct disk *cdsk);
extern int flag_disk (struct disk *cdsk);
extern void fetch_edge_det (float *ef, int nf);
extern void edge_det (unsigned char *y, int n, float *f, int nf);
extern double pbi_ctr (int ir, struct edge_tuple *cetpl,
struct triple *cdsk_lchrd);
extern Boolean insp_Adsk (int ir,
struct edge_tuple *cetpl, struct disk *cdsk);
extern int find_cdsk_lchrd (int ir, struct disk *cdsk);
extern struct linktype *find_all_Adsks (struct linklist *dll);
extern struct linktype *find_next_Adsk (struct linklist *dll);
extern void ndsk_to_dll (char *ndsk, struct linklist *dll);
extern Boolean chord_to_Adsk (int ir, int nch, struct edge_tuple *cetpl,
struct disk *cdsk, int disk_type, int ncch);
extern int find_segm_shift (struct triple *chrd, struct edge_tuple *cetpl);
extern int find_segm_ovlp (struct triple *chrd, struct edge_tuple *cetpl);
extern int update_disk_list (int ir, int nch,
struct linklist *dll, struct linklist *etll);
extern Boolean ReptSegmStatus (struct edge_tuple *letpl, int pix);
extern int encode_row (unsigned char *row, int nc, struct linklist *etll, int gray_lev);
/* test_xcc.c */
extern int fetch_test_parms (FILE * file, float *dsk_dia,
int *del_ir, int *nch, int *ir_base);
extern int fetch_test_row (FILE * file, struct linklist *etll);
#endif /*_XCC_H_ */ :